About Us
Weber Energy Corporation was founded in 1983 under the laws of the State of Texas by its owner and President, Ben R. Weber, Jr. Weber Energy has been active in oil and gas exploration, lease acquisition, gas transmission and gas processing since 1983 in 29 counties in the State of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
Weber Energy has focused primarily on the Austin Chalk Trend of Southeast and South Texas utilizing horizontal drilling as the preferred technique to drill and complete Austin Chalk wells. With over 300 wells drilled and 2000 caused to be drilled, Weber became and remains a noted leader in Austin Chalk exploration and development. Today, along this same geologic trend as the Austin Chalk, the Eagle Ford Shale has emerged as one of the largest and most productive shale resource plays in the United States. With a desire to extend the Eagle Ford trend into areas in South Texas, Weber Energy acquired and drilled Eagle Ford wells in areas that were once unproven, but that now define the "heart" of the Eagle Ford Shale phenomenon.
Weber Energy continues its exploration and extended leasing efforts within the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale trends to find success by drilling and proving up commercial reserves. The Eagle Ford Shale remains one of the most prolific and well publicized prospects in North America due to a formula of highly productive wells combined with skill and closely managed drilling and completion costs which yield attractive profits.